PD FLOW Short Notes
Inputs file and contains
- Libraries
- Tech-File (.tf à Synopsys, tech-lef Cadence )
- it contains all the technology related parameters )
- Unit tile info
- Unit tile height (site row height )
- Unit width (placement Grid–Fill X1 size)
- Metal layer details
- Min-Width
- Min-Spacing
- Metal Pitch
- Fat Metal Spacing Table
- VIA Layer Details
- Min-space
- Single –cut via
- Double –Cut Via
- TLU + ( tlu+ Synopsys ,Captbl or qrc tech Cadence )
- R & C Values for each metal & via Layer in sq micron
- Moderate accurate
- Deferent from each corner
- R & C Values for each metal & via Layer in sq micron
- Logical /Timing /power library (.lib or .db)
- It contains following details
- Timing (in the form of 7X& table)
- Cell –Rise-delay
- Cell-,fall delay
- Output rise transition
- Output fall transition
- Setup/hold timing requirement
- Power (in the form of 7X7 table)
- Leakage power
- Internal power
- Area (Cell Area )à all and gates and OR gates …etc
- Types
- CCS library (More accurate, 2% correlation to actual spice simulation )
- NLDM Library ( less accurate 7% correlation to actual spice simulation ) above28and below we use CCS library
- It contains following details
- Physical Library ( .lef or FRAME or NDM model)
It contains the following Physical Parameter details
- Cell size (width x height )
- Allowed Orientation
- RO, R180,MX,MY etc
- If you want you can flip 90,270 not allowed
- 180,360 degrees is allowed
- Cell class
- CORE –Standard Cell
- BLOCK-Macros
- PAD – IO Pads
- PIN Details
- Layer Details
- A,B,Z àPin details
- Direction
- Location
- Obstruction /Routing Blockage Details
- Different Types
- LEF – Library Exchange Format (used in Cadence & Siemens/AtopTech Tools)
- FRAM – FRAME View (used in Synopsys IC-Compiler)
- NDM –New Data Model (used in Synopsys IC-Compiler 2 & fusion Compiler )
Netlist (Gate level)
- Design functionality in Verilog gate level netlist format
SDC (Synopsys design constraints –timing constraints)
Clock definition
Clock Attributes
Set_clock_latency (Not useful for PD engineers,but used during synthesis)
DRV Constraints
Constant definition
Path exceptions
Max/Min Delay
I/O Delay Definitions
Push-Down-Floorplan –DEF /TCL (Block Shape & IO ports Placement & PG Routing Push-down)
FP DEF –read it using “read_def or defin” command
TCL file –just source it inside the tool shell.
.fb-read it using “read_floorplan ” cmd
UPF-United Power Format (if the design contains low power methodologies)
- PG Net Details
- PG logical connection (connect pg or globalNetConnection àcadence)
- Power Domain Details
- Multi-supply (0.8V &1.3V)
- ON/OFF (using power- switches)
Level –shifters
Isolation Cell Policies
PST-Power state Table
Scan-DEF (Needed for Scan-chain re-order)
Scan-chain Details
Registers belonging to particular scan-chain
Link Library (Timing lib for all the cells used in the design)
- RTL/Gate-Level Netlist may contain hand instantiated std cells and macro .
- You need to read them inside tool, so that the tool understands s the timing /logical/power info.
Target library: (Timing lib -Optimization engine will pick use the cells from these libs)
- during the Opt, the tool would use the cells from these target lib
Sanity checks
- netlist check (cmd: check_design or check_netlist )
- no floating inputs or nets
- no multi –driven nets
- no black –box or empty modules
- output connected to P/G
- No Combinational feedback Loops
- No assign statement
- Net a
- Assign net b=a
- SDC Checks (cmd ; check_timing )
- Register driven by multiple clock
- Un-constrained end points
- Missing clock definitions
- Missing IO Delays
- Combinational Loops
- Library Check (cmd :check library ) (not applicable for IIC2 & Fusion Compiler )
- Check if there is any physical or timing model is missing for the cells.
- Library consistency check (PIN direction should be same across LEF & LIB)
- Zero wire Load Model Timing Check (Netlist Vs SDC Check )à
- Cmd :set_zero_interconnect_delay_model_true
- Cmd report_qor
- Cmd:report_timing
- Make sure your design is meeting setup with zero wire-delay.
- Netlist Vs Floorplan Checks (cmd:check_pin_placement )àtop level guy and block level designer there are not be in shink we need to check Netlist Vs Floorplan
- All the I/O ports should’ve assigned physical location
- No I/O ports short.
- No I/O ports near the corners (causes congestion & Routing issues )
- Goal
- Minimize the Die-Size/Area
- Avoid the dead area /avoid the spaces
- Minimize the congestion
- Minimize the timing violation
- Reduce the wire length
- Making routing easy
- Reduce the IR drop better PG routing
- Floor plan shape initialization
- Read the push-down FP or manually initialize the shape.
- Read Def. or DefIn (DEF format )
- Source (TCL File )
- Read Floor plan or Read plan (.fp)
- Manually initialize the shape & place the IO ports (bottom –up approach )
- Macro Placement
- Group the macro based on hierarchy module
- Fly-line based connectivity analysis
- Data-flow diagram.
- Guidelines
- Place the macro around the core/periphery.
- High priority: where no IO ports present.
- Make sure to place the macros where less no of I/O ports present
- Provide more space for routing if more I/O ports are present.
- Don’t place any macro in the middle as it might cause congestion issue.
- Place the macros in middle only if the macro is timing critical.
- Add partial (allowed only 30%) blockage to avoid congestion around the macro
- Place the macro around the core/periphery.
Placement Blockage
- Add placement blockage wherever needed/applicable
- Soft blockages in macro channels
- Partial blockages in notch area
- Hard blockages if any area need to be keep empty
Perform PG routing
- Enable PG logical connection (connect pg ,global Net connect )
- PG Nets – to be routed
- No of stripes
- Stripe width
- Stripe pitch
- Follow pin/std cell rail creation
- PG VIA Addition àhelp in lesser IR Drop
- No pg opens and shorts
Floor plan checks
- No macro overlaps
- Macro placed on placement grid
- No I/O port short
- I/O port should be present on routing track
- Clock IO Port double width and Double Spacing
- All the macro and I/O ports should have fixed attribute
- No blocked port/pin
- Enough channel between Macros
- At least 1 VDD & VSS stripe should be present in the macro channel.
- No PG nets Shorts & opens.
- Commands
- Check_pin_assignement
- Check_legality
- Check_pg_drc
- Check_pg_mising_vias
- Check_pg_connectivity
- Check_lvs –nets {VDD VSS}
Note: QUALCOMM PNR à1 week FP Exit à finalizes the DB floor plan DB
Fp freeze àplace freeze àCTS freeze à route freeze
After floor plan à 2 weeks timing for place cts and route
PRO Exit /Route Exit /Route Freeze
Floor plan db release into central Area
Really have the problem go and redo the steps
- Adding the physical cells & placing the critical logic cells
- End Cap (avoiding the damage near edges & helps in having a clean NW at the boundaries )
- TAP-Cells (Avoids the Latch-up Violation )
- Bulk –connection for –NMOSàlatch up finamina won’t happen
- Well-tap connection for –PMOS àlatch up finamina won’t happen
- Tape cells added regular interval distance based on the technology 20micron meter
- I/O or Boundary buffer/ interface buffer (improves the I/O signal transition )àwith in 25u we need place
- De-cap à reduce the dynamic IR drop used for dynamic power àleakage is there bad for static IR drop
- To many de-caps not good for static power
- Where we have hot sport is there we need to add the de-cap cells
- IP vender provide the details add the de-caps
- Spare cells (will be used for ECO roll in during re-spin)
- Every 100 x 100 or 80 x 80 we have in the design we need add the post tape out stage
- Save your money
- Mask preparation àmanufacturing
- Metal only Eco open 2 or 3 layer we can fix the bug
- Total 80+Layers makes are there we will touch 4 or 5 layers we touch
- Reducing the mask preparation cost & time
- 6month à5 month take for spare cells
- What is physical cells?
- Endcapàsite the where row start and row ends avoid the cell damages near the cells
- Tap decapà use avoide the latch up problem
Cmos Bulk ,cmos twin-tube , Cmos SOI (silicon on insulator )
We use cmos Bulk
- Filler
- Tie-cells
Std Cell Placement
- Goal
- Place all the std cells inside core area.
- Meet the timing requirements.
- Reduce the std cell utilization
- Reduce the routing congestion
- Minimal cell density ,pin density and congestion hot-spots
- Reduce the wire-length (global routing Wires )
- Reduce the power
- Std Cell Placement
- Process of placing the unplaced standard cells in the core area
- The tool determines the location for all the cells based on the macro placement
- Timing is high priority during the placement.
- Tool analyses the timing and optimizes the violation paths
- Tool analyses the reducing congestion based on global routing and optimizers it.
- Area recovery on the paths that are having a huge positive setup slack
- Types of placement
- Timing driven (timing will be the high priority ,congestion will be the medium priority )
- congestion driven (timing will be the medium priority ,congestion will be the high priority )
- Power driven (power will be the high priority ,other will be the medium priority )
- Timing driven (timing will be the high priority ,congestion will be the medium priority )
- Area driven (area will be the high priority ,other will be the medium priority )
- Inputs/Checks
- Floor plan completed DB
- Fixed attribute for all the IO ports, Hard macros and pre-placed cells.
- Critical path groups if any
- Group_path –from <start-point> -to <end-point> -weight 10
- Placement Blockages (Add missing blockages & remove if any blockages is unwanted)
- Scan-DEF (scan-chain info, required for scan chain info ,required for scan-chain re-ordering )
- Bounds, regions & Groups (Guide the tool to place the cells in the given area )
- Local cell density limits (Max 90% local density )
- Keep-out of the cell padding (applied on complex cells like OAI & AOI to reduce the congestion)
- Apply the don’t use cell list & dn’t touch list.
- LIB: 350 hvt, 350 rvT 350 lvt TOTAL =1050 DON’T USE THE CELLS
- X32 CELSS we block high EM this is the reason
- How to put the cells in don’t use cell ,put in your design scripts like don’t use cell list
- Make sure to follow IP integration guidelines if any
- Placement Steps
- Global placement (seed for the details placement )
- Divides the design into smaller bin
- Smaller GRC (global routing cell )bin 5rows height
- Places the std cells inside each bin & cells are approximately placed i.e GRC
- Cells are placed module-wise based on the macro placement
- Std cells may or may not legalized.
- Timing is not analysed
- Divides the design into smaller bin
- Detail Placement ( Multiple iteration tll the goals are meet )
- Legalize the cells
- Timing Opt
- DRV Opt
- Size_cell
- Cmd: split_fanout -driver {/Z} -loads {/I, /I, /I} -lib_cell BUFFD4BWP210H651CNODLVTLL
- Congestion Opt
- Tie-Cell addition
- Scan chain re-ordering
- HFNS (high Fan-out Net Synthesis (scan enable ,reset nets are called HFNS )
- Timing optimization at placement stage
- In most of the design approximately 30% of the paths will be timing critical
- 100% have timing critical you need to look on the design
- Timing driven placement with high effort
- Incremental timing optimization
- Allowing LVT cells for Optimization. (5% of LVT cells )
- Creating path group for critical paths & apply more weightage.
- Enable the useful-skew while performing timing optimization
- CCD –ICC2/FC , useful-skew à Innovus
- Bounds/Region/Groups, so that the tool would place the cells in given location
- Pre-place the critical logic cells & guide the tool.
- Use magnet placement to pull the cells closer
- Routing layer promotion for critical nets
- In most of the design approximately 30% of the paths will be timing critical
- Congestion Analysis
- Report the global-route based congestion
- Supply vs demand
- Check the congestion numbers in the report.
- Visually check the congestion map
- Visually check the Cell-Density Map
- Visually check the Pin-Density Map.
- Check for wrong macro placement/orientation.
- Check for any blocked port/pins.
- If I/O port of BUS are not grouped, can cause congestion.
- Dense PG Network.
- PG resource usage it should be always <25%
- More than that get the trouble
- Report the global-route based congestion
- Global placement (seed for the details placement )
- Check the complex cell (?) ratio in the design
- Total 1 M cells in my deign
- 47% complex cells design is not closed
- Complex cells =>35%
- More than 35-40% we need to take care
- Too much congestion for complex cells we need to care
- Check The allow the metal layer for routing, wrong setting can cause congestion.
- Congestion Fixes
- Perform congestion-aware placement ,perform area Recovery
- Add partial placement blockage to control the cell density.
- Add soft placement Blockage in Macro channels
- Add cell padding to the cells which is causing the congestion
- Enable the Scan-Chain reordering.
- Understand and Use-the all congestion related switches in the tool
- Add route guides to guide the routing.
- Update the global Route after timing fixes –it could have reduced congestion tool
- QoR /Quality Check
- Zero unplaced cells
- No cell Overlaps
- All the cells should be legally placed (on placement grid and row )
- Timing QoR
- DRV (Max Tran, Max Cap & Max Fan-out )
- Setup
- No Hold check (clock is ideal & skew is zero. Won’t check hold when clock is ideal )
- Congestion should be under control
- Congestion report (report congestion)
- Both H& V should be <0.5%
- Max Overflow should be <4
- Check congestion value for each layer if the design is congested.
- Congestion Map (Highlight & Visually check )
- Cell –Density Map (Highlight & Visually check )
- Pin-Density Map (Highlight & Visually check )
- Congestion report (report congestion)
- Cell Utilization growth.
- Growth should not be more than 5% to 7%.
- Check the Vt % (make sure ULVT/LVT are used less )
Placement Stage Commands
- Place_opt # stage the constitute the default flow for the place_opt command
- 5 stages
- Initial_place
- Initial_drc
- Initial_opto
- Final_place
- Final_opto
- Create_placement # to perform coarse/global placement only
- Magnet_placement # to pull the cells closer , so that the timing will be met
- Legalized_placement # to perform the legalization
- Refine_placement #increment opt :refine the placement and minimize congestion
- Report_utilization ( to report the utilization )
- Check_leglity –verbose # check the placement legality
- Report_placement
- Group_path –name critical_1 –from regA/CLk –to regB/D –weight 5
- Create a group path most violated in the design
- Create_keepout_margin –type hard –outer {0.15 0 0.152 0} [get_lib_cells */*OA*]
- Create_bound –name x –coordinates {0 0 10 10 } [get_cells –hier xyz] (Bound/Group)
- Report_qor (Timing & Area Summary)
- Report _global_timing (Setup & Hold Summary )
- Report_timing (Detailed timing report )
- Report_constraint –all violations (DRV Violation + other like setup and Hold ..etc )
- Report_congestion (to report congestion)
- 5 stages
- Place_opt # stage the constitute the default flow for the place_opt command
- Goals
- Reduce the insertion delay
- Meet the skew targets
- Reduce the clock cell count
- Reduce the clock-tree power
- Compare to data path clock switches twice
- Data path : approximately switches one time for 5 clock cycles
- Switching activity 0.2
- Reduce the OCV violation
- Increasing the common path CPPR/CRPR come into the picture
- Common path have less OCV impact ,moe the common path OCV variation are higher
- Inputs
- Insertion Delay target
- Insertion delay =network ID only
- Latency = source latency + network latency
- Skew target (Global Skew )
- Skew = capture clock – launch clock
- Clock Cells (Like CKBUF or CKINV)
- Clock routing layer (Always top 2 Metal layers after PG routing )
- NDR (Double width and Double Spacing )
- Root level NDR
- Leaf-level NDR
- Clock-transition (10% of clock speed )
- Root level transition
- Leaf level transition
- Clock tree exceptions
- Float-pin (custom insertion delay setting for the sink )
- Exclude-pin (Exclude the sink pins from skew balancing )
- Through –pin ( treat the sink pin as not an endpoint )
- Stop pin (treat combo cell pins as sink pin )
- Inter-clock balancing if any
- Insertion Delay target
- Flow
- Types of Clock – tree
- Traditional clock tree (load Balancing )
- High insertion delay due to more logic level in clock path & high skew.
- H-Tree
- Moderate insertion Delay & less Skew.
- Clock-Mesh
- Less insertion delay & less skew.
- Multi-Point CTS
- Less insertion Delay & Moderate Skew.
- Fish-Bone
- Moderate Insertion delay & Moderate Skew
- Checks
- Insertion Delay
- Skew
- Clock-cell count
- Clock –DRV
- Clock-cell area
- Std Cell utilization
- Timing QoR
- Clock & Data DRV (Max Tran, Max Cap & Max fan-out )
- Setup & Hold (we should check for hold since the clock is propagation)
- Min-pulse width Violation
- Congestion should be under control
- Congestion report (report congestion )
- Both H & V Should be < 1%.
- Max overflow should be < 5
- Check congestion value for each layer if the design is congested
- Congestion Map (highlight & visually check)
- Cell-Density Map (Highlight & Visually check )
- Pin-Density Map (Highlight & Visually check)
- Congestion report (report congestion )
- Std Cell Utilization growth.
- Growth should not be more Then 2% to 3%
- Commands
- check_clock_tree (Check For Postential Issues Which Can Harm The CTS )
- check_physical_design –stage pre_clock_opt (check if the design is ready for CTS )
- define_routing_rule (create NDR rule which will used while performing CTS)
- Routing
- Establishing the actual wiring (or metal connection ) using available metal layers
- Pre requirement :
- All cells should be legal placed
- No cell overlaps
- Make sure CTS is done
- Timing DRV ,setup & Hold should be clean
- Congestion number should be control
- Identified the allowed layer for routing (example min layer m2,max layer –m9)
- Antenna setting
- SI /Cross-talk setting
- Order for Routing
- Special routing /pg routing
- Clock routing
- Regular signal routing
- Timing critical net first
- Rest others next
- Types of routing
- Global routing
- Area is divided into smaller bins (GRC)
- It identifies the available tracks in each bin
- Assign the tracks & layers for nets
- Won’t add any via’s
- Details Routing
- Add VIAs and completes the net connection without worrying about DRC
- Check for opens and shorts clear the same if found any
- Search for DRC Violation and repair using different routing topology like
- Detour the net
- Change the layer
- Change the VIA type
- Redundant Via addition
- Where ever we have space we need add the Redundant via for yield improvement
- Checks
- Opens and shorts
- Physical DRC violation
- Timing QoR
- Clock & data DRV (Max Tran ,Max Cap & max fan-out )
- Setup & Hold
- Min-pulse width violation
- Commands
- Global routing
- Traditional clock tree (load Balancing )
RC Extraction
- Design (DEF/GDS/OAS/NDM)
- Tech-file (nxtgrd if Star-RC)
- C-Worst
- C-Best
- RC Worst
- RC Best
- C-Typical
- LEF file for all the (Std Cells & Macros)
- Mapping File
- Use when streaming out the GDS
- Temperature ex: -40 to 125C
- Format :SPEF
Coupling Cap writes out or not: Yes/No
- What happen if I don’t add metal files
- Density violations is not clean
- Because each layer min 50% and max 70%
- Without filer never go for Physical Verification check
- Latch-up …etc
- Metal fill timing is degrading – distance between cap is less
- Without metal fill looks like timing is clean — distance between cap is high
- Two more iteration to fix those violation
SPEF Content:
- Header Section
- Name-MAP
- NET Section
- Connection
- Capacitance
- Summary à RC is in completed
- Summary à RC is completed
Inputs :
- Timing Libraries (.db formate )
- Design Netlist (from Route DB)
- OCV/AOCV/POCV Settings –40nm and bellow it will come into the picture
- Read Timing libraries (.db formate )
- Read Design Netlist (from Route DB ) à
- Link the design
- Read the SDC
- Check_timing à any reg without any clock ,IO delay ,set driving ,set_load ,set case analysis 0 or 1 …etc
- Read SPEF
- Report_annotated_parasitics à10,000 nets
- Apply OCV/AOCV/POCV setting if any àtiming derate
- Perform update_timing
- Save_session
- Write out all the required reports
- Qor
- Constraints
- Setup
- Hold
Physical verification
DRC design rule check
LVS – layout vs schematic
ERC – electrical rule check
ANT – antenna
- Full GDS (with OD_PO & metal fills added )
- Golden rule deck –SVRF (standard verification rule format ) given by TSMC foundry
- Run-set script – design detail ,golden deck detail chip or block
- Voltage info if the design is low power –
VDD ==0.95v
VDDH =1.3v
Calibre DRC flow
- Reads the GDs
- Passes the GDS
- Reads rule deck
- Verifies each rules
- Write the reports
- Save the DB
Output files
- Log files
- DRC Summery
- DRC_Error Maker
- SVDB (Std verification data base )
DRC Inputs :
- Full GDS/OAS
- Full spice /CDL
- Golden rule deck
- Run-set script
- HCELL list
Full spice generation
- Read the GDS/OAS File
- Checks if any missing cell definition
- Read the source spice
- Compare layout spice & source spice
- Write out the reports
- Save the DB for future Debugs
Use calibre RVE (result viewing Environmental)
Floating gate
Source & drain shorted
Nwell connection
Nets are Tie-High /Low
Metal Hopping to higher layer
Insert antenna Diode
Add more gate area by adding dummy cells
Non Cummelative antenna check
Take the higher metal layer M4 is big
Only m4 consider
Cummelative antenna check
All the layer is conseder and give the report antenna
Sign off corners
Sign off modes
Sta runs
Timing fixes
Physical aware
Logical aware
Bottelneck analysis
Manual fixes
Order of fixes
Clock DRV
Data DRV
Manual fixes
Max tra
Max cap
Max fan-out
Setup à different type of fixes
Hold à different type of fixes
Convention lithography àall the layers we can manufacture at time in conventional lithography
16nm and bellow the geometry of the layers is much much closer here we are going to use the technique is called double pattern
Double pattern
First print one mask removes that mask and prints another mask
The entire mask is same only
Convention lithography àall the layers in single time you get some shorts
We use the because of lithography limitations we cannot manufacture much geometry , shapes much that are closer with the help of double pattern we can manufacture much more closer with that help in terms of yield
Colour Spacing Violations little trick for fixing this violations
Colour spacing rules are applicable only on the DPT layers
7nm àM0,M1,M2,M3
5nmà M0,M1,M2,M3,M4
DPT DRC Viol (M1,M2,M3)
- G0.1
- G.2
16nm FF
FFP ( 13+1 layers)
FFC ( 11+1 layers)
16nm (Multi channel lib)
28 16
Planner finfet
Single mask dpt
Leakage less
Performance high
- Manufacturing cost
- More IR drop Issues
- More switching because of more gates
- Consuming more power electrical energy is converted heating
- More PVT corners
- EM issues
- More cross-talk issues
- Spacing is less